Hobbies & Crafts Ghostwriting | Ghostwriting Authors

Non-Fiction Ghostwriting

Action & Adventure

This genre usually attracts the fiction authors and readers. What if the book is based on true and real life action and adventure? The author describes thrilling and electrifying real life events that has been encountered in life.

This particular genre attracts readers without having to add made-up creations in the book. Readers are interested to get that glimpse of action in reality. Hence, this genre already consists of that natural excitement and thrill. They need not to be on over the top to be effective on the reader.

Actions scenes are not necessarily comprised of combats, arguments or quarrel but a mere compulsion of something to take place that pushes the character to take an intense step/ decision, revealing his/her capacity to deal with the unwanted and unwelcomed circumstances or people alike. The scene should evoke a sense of thrill or suspense combined with physical pressure. The unexpected consequences of a certain event will certainly add height to the action scene. Action and adventure scenes certainly drives the reader forward to skim the action in real life stories.

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Disclaimer: These books do not belong to Ghostwriting Authors, these are provided here just for the reference purpose and belong solely to the author.


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